Sunday 15 March 2015

remove system32 trojan from your computer

System32 trojan also called system32 virus is actually not a virus but a trojan i.e. it doesn't spread itself.But still it's a threat to ur pc bcoz it often creates shortcut for copied files and folder eventually making them non working.Therefore it's must to remove this trojan from ur pc.
Given below is a simple trick without using any antivirus software you would be able to delete it:

Steps to follow:

step 1 : press " ctrl+alt+del"

step 2 : now click on start task manager

step 3 : click on processes task

step 4 : now end these processes 

now u can delete the folders containing system32 trojan.earlier if you have tried that the system have shown u the message "the action cant be completed becoz the file is open in system32"

step 5 : now its time to delete the infected files


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