Sunday 9 August 2015

Why Windows 10?

Windows 10 is the OS that will impact the maximum number of people on this planet. Bigger than anything on any apple device, bigger than any android platform update, bigger than any app with new version. That's because about 1.5 billion (yes,billion) people use Windows as their primary OS on desktops,notebooks and tablets- and each of them wants to know if they should risk an upgrade. Windows 8 turned out to be real clunker for most. It was an OS in search of an identity. It wanted to be a touchscreen OS but really messed up the notebook and tablet users. It wanted to be radical but went too far with its live tiles and no start-button stubbornness. Thus a lot of people are wary about Win10. Here are your answers....


Yes,it does have a start button. A really good one. It takes all of what was good about the OSes before and adds some great functionality. It has all the real goodies you need and adds live tiles but in a controlled space.


Win10 has Cortana and yes, shes's coming to India. She'll also understand India accents. If you don't know who Cortana is, do let me know the shape and size of the stone you were under. Cortana is the name of AI(Artificial Intelligence) voice assistant built into the mobile version of windows and she's now making an appearance on Win10. Arguably, it's superior to Apple's Siri and Google version, with some smart features as well as a fantastic ability to build a profile around the user and offer help. She understands plain-language queries so you don't have to structure question, she refers to you by your name and also got some humour in her.


Yup. It really is. There's no sleight of hand and no elaborate fine print here. If you have a legitimate copy of anything above and including Win7,you get Win10 for free. Forever! Further upgrades happen after a year, but in essence, Win10 for you is free. If you have a pirated version then thing get a little more complicated.


Lots, actually. Task view is a new feature and real revolution in true multitasking as it provides full thumbnail previews of all open apps and can be used to manage multiple desktops. Frankly, it's better  than anything I've used on any laptop  with any OS. Win10 also has a central notifications area, called Action Center where literally everything going and all messages accumulate in one easy-to-use area. Microsoft Edge is the new browser that comes with slick features. It's fast, comes with a reading mode that removes all clutter from a web page, a read later area that saves things for offline reading and of course Cortana works here too. The good part is that Win10 is lighter and runs easily on old hardware that has Win7 or even XP. New Win10 embedded versions run on a Raspberry Pi or even on a TV stick.
So, should you upgrade to Win10? Considering it's free, fast, and you don't need to invest in new hardware, plus the OS is actually good. I really don't see a plausible reason for anyone thinking otherwise.

Wednesday 5 August 2015

Microsoft Lacks Here

Well this post is not just to the frustation I am bearing with the developers of Microsoft, Infact it is the bitter truth that most of developers do feel and have practically realised...

Lol to the Developers of Community

One may not be pretty sure even after targetting the biggest downloads of microsoft softwares. No doubt it is leading at many places but at the same time it lacks too. Here are some of my experiences with largest software applications;;;

The Biggest OS release 8.1 a BOON or a NUISANCE

Amazed with the graphics or the new startup thought of 8.1? Well here are some more things you should know about it. The wifi connectivity for windows 8.1 is worst. Often many of us might have experienced it.
When we talk about GAMES , clearly one could easily understand microsoft is to promote its own Xbox games. The worst experience is all the shit about making big updates and also one is still not pretty sure about the working of that big troublesome;

The troubleshoot feature is no more than a big shit.

The only browser By microsot -Internet Explorer

Although Internet Explorer provides a good sort of security but there is a trafficing problem for explorer. And that is the reason why it responds slow to social networking sites like facebook, twitter etc.

In this pace of microsoft vs Google Microsoft stands no where beside google. The stock price for Microsoft is Stock price
MSFT (NASDAQ)US$ 47.58 +0.04 (+0.08%)
5 Aug, 4:01 PM 

Stock priceGOOG (NASDAQ)US$ 643.78 +14.53 (+2.31%)
5 Aug, 4:01 PM

Talking about the Environment or Developing Platforms By microsoft

Microsoft after its biggest release of Visual studio 2015 is stilll full of quite many bugs. Installing Visual studio means crapping up of disk space nothing rally more than that.
That is the reason one is advisable to install other platforms like Eclipse(luna/mars) rather than visual studio.
So this makes the platform a little procedure oriented.

The Revolutionary Upgrade for Windows 10 offering Errors

One has been Upgrading to windows 10 since 29th of July.
There are two option of either reserving your upgrade or downloading it via Media Creation tool. Many of us did by reserving but even after making a big download of about 2.72 GB. There is an installation error offered.

Sunday 2 August 2015

C Code For Bisection Method

Bisection Method: The following method is used to find the accurate roots of transcendental equation and polynomial equation.
The transcendental equation is the equation which contains trigonometric,algorithmic and exponential functions associated with it for ex: xsinx-logx+1=0. With the help of following code every time you can modify your function and can find root in one go without any pen and paper. Lets get started...


1)First we will input two intervals for desirable function.
2)We will check whether their function values lies in range or not if yes then programme continue else it will display wrong intervals and will exit the programme.
3)If intervals will be correct then value of x2 will be find out and for every interval its function value    will be stored.
4)Again we will check function values of intervals and accordingly intervals will be assigned
5)This whole programme will be exectued untill we will find our root upto desirable decimal place 


#include <math.h>
#define ESP 0.001 //For finding root upto desirable decimal digit
#define F(x) (x)*(x)*(x) + (x)*(x) + (x) + 7 //For defining function
void main()
  int i = 1;
  float x0,x1,x2; //Intervals
  double f1,f2,f0,t; //Function

  printf("\nEnter the value of x0: ");

  printf("\nEnter the value of x1: ");
 { printf("\n__________________________________________________________________\n");
  printf("\niteration\t x0\t       x1\t x2\t   f0\t   f1\t   f2");
  printf("\n%d %f %f %f %lf %lf %lf", i, x0,x1,x2,f0,f1,f2);
printf("\n\nApp.root = %f",x2);
{ printf("\nIntervals are not correct\n");
this code is written in codeblocks GNU GCC compiler
this code might encounter issues when tried to run in turboC or any other compiler

Saturday 1 August 2015

c program for checking mutual exhaustivity of two sets

I love to code much more than anything else.I am just a noob in the world of programming but still I try to code any possible problem that comes in my mind.Today in my discrete mathematics class mutual exhaustivity and mutual exclusivity was going on.I thought why not design a program for checking whether two sets are mutually exhaustive or not.
I have written code for this program using two approaches
In the first approach i will straight out compare whether all elements of U are contained in A and B or not,In the second approach i will be first forming a union of set A and B and then comparing it to universal set.
the below text is in reference to first approach 

What are mutually exhaustive sets??
the sets whose union when combined together forms universal set then such set is known as mutually exhaustive sets.for example
then as A union B = U,set A and B are mutually exhaustive sets
  • Firstly we will take input for universal set,set A and set B
  • Then we will check whether set A and set B are valid sets or not i.e. all elements contained in set A and set B belong to universal set or not .
  • If any exception is found we will immediately exit mentioning the sets are not mutually exhaustive
  • If number of elements in set A and set B are equal to or greater than elements in universal set then we will continue
  • otherwise exit  because if  number of elements in set A and set B are less than elements in universal set then how is it possible that a union B will form universal set
  • then we will pick one by element of Universal set and check whether it is contained in A or B if any element is found that is not in A ir B then it is not mutually exhaustive if found then counter is increased by one
  •  if at the end the value of counter is equal to number of elements n universal set than they are mutually exclusive set
    int u[100],a[100],b[100],nu,na,nb,i,j,k,count=0;
    printf("\nenter the number of elements in universal set,set a& set b\n");
    printf("\nenter the elements in universal set\n");
    printf("\nenter the elements in set A\n");
    if(validSet(u,nu,a,na)==-1) /* because function returns -1 if it is not a valid set */    {
        printf("non mutually exhaustive");
    printf("\nenter the elements in set B\n");
    if(validSet(u,nu,b,nb)==-1) /* because function returns -1 if it is not a valid set*/
        printf("non mutually exhaustive");
    if(na+nb>=nu &&(nu>na && nu>nb)) /* the number of elements in set A and set B should be equal or greater than number of elements is universal set to be mutually exclusive*/
        for(i=0; i<nu; i++)
            for(j=0; j<na; j++)
                if(*(u+i)==*(a+j)) /* for exiting the inner loop of set A */
            if(*(u+i)==*(a+j)) // for going on to next iteration            

            for(k=0; k<nb; k++) // for exiting the loop of set B
            printf("\nthe sets are mutually exhaustive\n");
            printf("\n the sets are not mutually exhaustive");
        printf("\n the sets are not mutually exhaustive");
enterElements(int *arr,int len) //function for entering elements in an array
    int i;
    for(i=0; i<len; i++)
validSet(int *u,int nu,int *arr, int len) /* function for checking whether an entered set is valid subset of universal set*/{
    int i,j,count=0;
        printf("invalid set");
        return -1;
    for(i=0; i<len; i++) /* this whole loop is for comparing each element in set A with universal set */
        for(j=0; j<nu; j++)
    if(count==len) /* if count is not equal to length of array that means some other element other than universal set is present in Set */    {
        return 1;
        return -1;


this code is written in codeblocks GNU GCC compiler
this code might encounter issues when tried to run in turboC or any other compiler

Saturday 11 July 2015

Watch ASCII Star Wars in Windows

Every one of us has watched Star Wars om television, computer or in a theater. It is the same movie with aliens fighting each other for galaxies and such stuff. There is nothing new in it. But wait, have you watched an ACII version of Star Wars and that too in windows using telnet? A network protocol known only to computer wizards. Well if you have not,then you must do it now! The only thing required to watch it is an "Internet Connection",speed does not matter.

To watch it on windows XP,Mac OS X and Linux:
1. Go to Start,Run
2. Now type "telnet" without the quotes and press Enter. Users of MAC OS X and Linux can       directly execute this code in the terminal window.

On Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 7 and Windows Vista :
Telnet is turned off by default in the latest versions of Windows. So in order to watch Star Wars you must first enable Telnet by going to Control panel> Programs> Turn Windows Feature On or off and ticking both the telnet boxes. After doing that follow these simple steps.

  1. Go to Start, Search  in Windows Vista and Windows 7. On Windows 8 and Windows 8.1, open the main start         page.
   2. Type telnet and press Enter. In the following prompt Window, type "o" without quotes and press Enter. Now          type "" without the quotes and press Enter. If you do not need telnet anymore, you can         turn it off                                                                                                                                                                        

Wednesday 8 July 2015


YESS......IT's absolutely possible to change the IP Address of your laptop or system manually .Just go through the following simple steps and within seconds you can have the IP Address of your choice ...

STEP 1=> Go-to Start Menu and choose Control Panel. After that choose Network And Sharing Center.


STEP 2=>  After that choose "Change Adapter Settings".and Hit Enter. One window will open on your screen.

STEP 3=> From that window choose "Local Area Connection". And Right Click on that. And Choose "Properties" and Hit Enter. One Window will Open . In some systems it is of the name "ETHERNET".

STEP 4=>

In that window choose "Internet Protocol Version 4(IPv4)". And click on"Properties Button"

STEP 5=>When you click on Properties Button one window will open. in That just select IP Address. and change your IP Address Whatever You want. And Click on OK button.

THAT'S IT!!!!!!

NPTEL online certification courrse

NPTEL online certification course

well my today's blogpost is related to nptel online certification courses.. If you are willing to enroll for a valuable online certification course for engineering courses in India then nptel worth it.
NPTEL (National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning) is a joint initiative of the IITs and IISc. Through this initiative, they offer online courses and certification in various topics.therefore the faculties carrying out your course are faculties of India's best engineering college IIT and IISc . Isn't it cool to study from these professors..
The courses are arranged highly systematically and each courses begin from very scratch .Therefore you did not need to possess very high technical skills.Just follow the course devotedly and also patiently.And keep on submitting the assignments regularly.You will gradually start developing a your technical skill as the course proceeds.
The best part is registration for these courses is totally free.So you need not to think before giving it a try.If you want a certification then you have to give an offline test.And you will receive a course certification with your performance result with logo of NPTEL and IIT or IISc as per the concerned college for course.
so go for it without even thinking twice...

Tuesday 7 July 2015

How to Monitor WhatsApp Messages on Android

How to Monitor WhatsApp Messages on Android
How to Monitor WhatsApp Messages on Android?

MaxxSpy help you can monitor whatsapp messges on someones’s cell phone without their knowing. You need to install MaxxSpy on the target phone and track it by your phone, tablet or computer in the world within minutes.

How to install MaxxSpy into target phone?

Step 1: Download and install MaxxSpy.
Step 2: Open MaxxSpy app on your smartphone and login/register with your account.
Step 3: Login MaxxSpy ( ) with your account on your phone, table or computer to hack your smartphone now.
Note: please waiting 15′ to upgrade data form smartphome. You can change time sync in your account settings.

You can find the evidence you need to MaxxSpy. With MaxxSpy Monitor Whatsapp Messages Software, you can:

You can track whatsApp messages, see dates & time stamps of chats – name and number of sender. MaxxSpy lets you view all the WhatsApp conversations that take place through the target phone. With MaxxSpy WhatsApp spying software you can:
• Track WhatsApp chats.
• Monitor whatsapp messages without rooting monitor phone.
• Get time and date stamps to know when each chat took place.
• Find out the names and numbers of people they have been chatting with.

You can see more at:

Friday 3 July 2015

Have you ever played this secret chrome dragon game??

Do you use google chrome as a browser??
if your answer is yes then do you know chrome has secret same installed known as T Rex dinosaur endless runner game ...
if no then let me tell you
sometimes because of connectivity failure you land on a page with heading UNABLE TO CONNECT TO THE INTERNET and a image of T rex dinosaur is present.. you may be angry because you are not able to connect to entry therefore google place this snmall but exciting game at this page ..
all you have to do to access this page is press the upper arrow key and the dino at your screen will start running and obstacles will come on its path you have to keep him going the arrow keys...
enjoy the game...
And the best part is because this game runs when you are offline you can play it when offline all you have to do is bring the unable to connect page.those who are online have to get offline to enjoy this game

Sunday 28 June 2015

unsend a sent email from gmail account

Oops sent a wrong email from your gmail account.It happens often that you accidentally sent an uncomplete email or an email to wrong reciepent, the only thing you can do is regret.But dont worry now the latest added feature in gmail "undo send"will let you do the trick.
NOw you can easily unsend a sent email from your gmail account by following the simple steps given below :
  1. first of all open your gmail account
  2. Now go to the settings at right top corner of the screen
  3. under the setting option again click to the setting option
  4. now the setting window will appear ,under this enable the undo send option
  5. The best part is that you can also set the time limit to unsend an email,but the maximum time limit is 30 secind if you choose undo option within that time frame then you email could get unsent but if you tried to undo send it after that time limit than you will encounter failure
  6. To understand it fully let us perform it practically
  7. compose an email to any additional email account if you have,otherwise you can also try it to you r friend or family member whom you can easily access
  8. send the mail
  9. after sending your mail a message will appear like this on your gmail window displaying the undo,view and message option in a yellow bar
  10. now click the undo option
  11. ta da you have just unsend a sent email
  12. You can check by logging in the account to which you have sent a mail that whether your mail was recieved or not

Saturday 27 June 2015

why is lolipop better than kitkat??

We all know lolipop is latest version 5.0 and 5.1,some devices with kitkat are recieving updates for lolipop,but is it worth getting lolipop update,if yes then why ??

the features in lolipop which make it way more better than kitkat are listed below

1. Inbuilt Flashlight
It would always be puzzling as to why Google did not pin a flashlight  in our notifications panel just like iOS has in its control center.  Lollipop brings out that change. Without installing any third-party  apps, users can simply use the flashlight by pulling down the  notification panel. Make sure your smartphone has an LED flash.

2. Battery changes

Battery seems to be given priority in Android Lollipop. No longer do  users have to lay bets on how long their battery would last for. The new  OS has two new and much needed features which were not available on  KitKat. It shows you how long it would take to charge your phone and a  small graph showcasing how much time is left before the battery runs  out. After you have plugged in your phone for charge, your home screen  will show you the time until full charge.

3. Guest user

We all have people around us who lay their hands on our phones.  Thankfully, Android Lollipop helps us with this issue. Just like  different Users in Windows, Lollipop gives you the liberty to add guest  users or even create a profile for a friend/relative. This way, you can  limit the amount of information that others can view. You can add a  guest by simply going to Settings – Users – Add Guest.

4. Flappy Bird easter egg

If Flappy Bird wasn’t frustrating, Lollipop offers you a modified  version of the game. Instead, here you have an Easter egg to unlock.  Users can go to Settings – About phone and click several times and you  will get the android robot in place of the bird.

5. Notification panel

Needless to say, the notification panel has been made too simple for  the user. It’s simplicity in design is the plus point. Unlike KitKat,  the most useful feature added here is the ability to view your detailed  notifications on your lock screen. Though this might be a problem around  work spaces if you leave your phone unattended, anyone can have a look  at your notifications even though your phone is locked. It can be  disabled by going to Settings – Sound and Notification – When device is  Locked – Don’t show notifications at all.

6. Trusted Places

Trusted Places is a smart feature which has been added in to  Lollipop. Though most of our phones have passwords, it would be a task  to disable it when we enter familiar premises such as our car or home.  Trusted Places is a feature where a user can declare certain locations  as safe and they wouldn’t need to unlock their phones once they enter  those spaces. You can set the location by heading to Settings – Security  – Smart Lock.

7. Soft key redesign

Soft key buttons receive a change in this update and it is a rather, a  surprising change. The icons are smaller and look compact. A very  simple yet pleasant design.

8. Multitasking 

Multitasking has completely changed in Android Lollipop. The feature  allows you to scroll through your notifications in a simpler manner. It  is easier and allows you to see more details even before you enter the  app.

9. Prioritize apps

It can be super annoying if your phone is filled with umpteen apps  and throughout the day, you are bombarded with notifications. Lollipop  gives you the liberty to prioritize your apps so that you can receive  notifications from the ones you want. It works out perfectly during  sleep hours as you can only receive notifications from important apps  and not games or check-in notifications.

10. Quick access to Chromecast   

No need to install any third-party apps once you have the updated  your phone to Lollipop. There is an official app now from Google to  solve our problems. For the people who love to stream media from  dongles, it is as simple as going to the notification panel and taping  on Cast Screen.
                 JAVA SHADOWING

Hiding a variable is  called shadowing. A variable can be shadowed if another variable  exists in its scope. So what is a scope?

Scope =>

Scope is a region of program within which a variable can be accessed. Each type of variable have their own scope. So if there are two variables with same name in the same scope then they will be shadowed. There are different scenarios in which variables are shadowed.


In this example .....x = 0 is overshadowed by x = 1 which is further overshadowed by x = 23.We can access them by casting instance variable to the super class variable .

 In the above program comment the JAVA lines 8 & 9 and this will help you to access the variable of the class ShadowTest also .


How To Check if Your PC is Windows 10 Compatible

With Windows 10 coming on July 29, you'll want to make sure your PC, applications and various devices will all play nice before you reserve and upgrade. Fortunately, Microsoft has made it easy to do within the Get Windows 10 tool that appears on all copies of Windows 7 and 8.

Upgrading your copy of Windows to 10 should be seamless, but you want to make sure set up is actually ready beforehand. That new Windows icon down in your system tray will let you do more than reserve your copy of Windows 10 for free. It can also check your whole system to make sure everything is all set for the upgrade. It's pretty simple to do:

* Click the Get Windows 10 icon in your system tray in the lower-right section of your desktop.
* Click the hamburger menu in the upper-left corner.
* Under "Getting the upgrade," select Check your PC.

If you're all set and ready for the upgrade when it comes, you'll be given a good to go message. Otherwise, you'll see a list of devices and apps that aren't supported.

Device issues could mean a monitor won't display properly at the highest resolution, or some speakers won't be able to play audio with the upgrade. Apps that are listed as unsupported will need to be uninstalled before you start the upgrade process. Of course, a driver update or patch install may fix those issues as well, so check again if you can find updates.

Welcome To The Future

Its the sad but consistent rule of technology that all cool future inventions must be given really terrible,confusing and complex names.The first time electronic products like washing machines and dish washers got their own brains and were able to figure things out for themselves,the name given to that technology was "Fuzzy Logic".The first time computing and storage power was taken offsite and made available from a remote location,the simple name it was given was cloud computing.And now the latest buzz is that soon each and every device,machine and sensor in the world will talk to each other and take smart decisions with zero intervention from you.The awesomely name for this  future technology? The Internet of Things(IoT). The prediction is that,in a few years from now,more than 100 billion devices will talk to each other,analyse,take decisions,change things and perfect our lives without us getting involved.

  • NETGEAR's ARLO:   
Think about every nightmare associated with setting up an internet-accessible security camera system:wires all over,complex set up and almost impossible task of installing outdoor cameras.
Netgear's arlo is completely wireless,runs for about six month on batteries and can be set up literally by anyone in five minutes.The cameras are weather proof and can be set up outdoors or indoors.It also provides actual hd picture,great wireless range of 150 feet,perfect clarity even in the dark,and finally whole system is motion-activated. you can set up the system in few minutes. You take the main hub and connect it to your home router with an ethernet wire,then press the button on the hub and on each camera one by one. The app on your phone will allow you to record only when it detected motion. Any movement and video will be sent to you with an alert.It work perfectly as a baby monitor.At any given time  you know who was at your home hen you were two continents away.The system also talk to other devices and the cameras can be used for other IoT activities.It could turn your house lights on as soon as the cameras recognise you as you enter. It could integrate with Lifx LED light bulbs and also eventually with your home's front door lock. You could turn on ac and coffee machines before you reach home or wake up.
  • THE GADGETS ARE COMING:  Xiaomi has had a head start on its IoT ambitions with a slew of new launches: the Mi Smart Weigh Scale that records  BMI and other health parameters along with your weight talks to your phone and fitness band(yes,fitbit and withings have similar features  but this one talks to a whole lot device and costs $20).There is Yeelight Beside lamp,which is completely controllable via your smart phone,throws out light in 16 million colours,can be controlled by your gestures and soon recognise your prsesnce in the room and turn on.
This is just the start.The Internet of Things is coming at you from all directions and at the speed of light.

Monday 22 June 2015

How to increase your Internet Connection speed via Ethernet Cable?? (Mechanical or physical Method)

For the first glance someone thinks that this method is just for Befooling the people. But its not true. Infact the connection speed almost gets "double" using this.

For this method CAT5 and CAT6 ethernet cable is advisable to use. 

So here we go .......

  1. Firstly you need to buy a LAN wired cable and hold the cable in your hands firmly.
  1. Now you need two "AA" batteries and an insulated tape .

You are now ready to boost up you connection. All you need to do is....

  • fix the two batteries on the two ends of the wire near to the RJ plugs .
  • Fix them in such a manner that both the terminals have their +ve terminal inwards.

Now You can use them with your ethernet enabled Internet connection and check the Difference Yourself....

Create a Bootable USB Drive without Using any Software

Hi friends here I am going tell you the easiest method to make a USB drive bootable. For this you need no external software. Infact you can carry it with the help of command prompt. You need to follow the steps as below ---

  1. Insert your USB flash drive to your running computer. As the first step, we need to run Command Prompt as administrator. To do this, we need to find cmd by typing 'cmd' in the search box on Windows Start Menu. After search result for 'cmd' appears, right click on it and select "Run as administrator".
  2. Type 'diskpart' on Command Prompt (without quotes) and hit Enter. Wait for a while until the DISKPART program run.
  3. Type 'list disk' to view active disks on your computer and hit Enter. There would be seen that the active disks shown as Disk 0 for hard drive and Disk 1 for your USB flashdrive with its total capacity.
  4. Type 'select disk 1' to determine that disk 1 would be processed in the next step then hit Enter.
  5. Type 'clean' and hit Enter to remove all of data in the drive.
  6. Type 'create partition primary' and hit Enter. Creating a primary partition and further recognized by Windows as 'partition 1'.
  7. Type 'select partition 1' an hit Enter. Choosing the 'partition 1' for setting up it as an active partition.
  8. Type 'active' and hit Enter. Activating current partition.
  9. Type 'format fs=ntfs quick' and hit Enter. Formatting current partition as NTFS file system quickly.
  10. Type 'exit' and hit Enter. Leaving DISKPART program but don't close the Command Prompt instead. We would still need it for next process.

Your device is ready to boot now...



1. Open the COMMAND PROMPT  ( either by CTRL+X  or type "cmd" in 

RUN dialog box)
2. Select the virus affected drive .
3. Type the following command -> type attrib -s-h *.*/s/d and press enter.
4. Type this command -> type dir 
     This command will show content of the drive .
5. Check if there is an unusual.exe file.
    If there is an autoruninf.file then rename it .
    Renaming is done like this => rename filename.extension newfilename


1. Go to My Computer
2. Select the drive .
3. Delete the harmful files either directly or by typing the following 

command in Command Prompt => type delfilename 



Make Your PC talk

Hello friends we are always ready to help you and reveal out some special features about your pc which you do not know

Well as the name suggests this post is all about make your pc talk. There are two real time methods that can be used . One is programming based and other is simply the alternartive. All you need to do is simply copy and paste the following text in notepad.....

Dim msg, sapi

msg=InputBox("Enter your text","Talk it")

Set sapi=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
sapi.Speak msg

Now save this file with "Make Your pc Talk.vbs" 

This will simply create a scripted file. Type the text and click on OK button to enjoy your talking app.. 

Sunday 21 June 2015

why is %d used not %i for printing integers ??

Why format specifier for integer is %d not %i in c programming language?

Have you ever wondered that format specifier written in c language like character type has %c ,float type has %f and string type has %s but integer type doesnt have %i instead it has its format specifier %d?
This is because integer is divided into subcategories decimal integer, binary integer,hexadecimal integer and octal integer and %d is used for decimal integer as its format specifier and the results we often want is of decimal type if we want our solution then different fomat specifier can be used to obtain the desired output
  • %d - decimal integer
  • %o - octal integer
  • % x- hexadecimal integer
Note:there doesn't exists any format specifier for binary integer.

stay tuned to our blog for keep getting cool facts like this..
And please comment if you like this post

Friday 19 June 2015


TSP is one of the most interesting 

problems of Operating System that 

haunts the beginners all the time . 

Reading from the book and 

understanding the TSP will take an 

entire day BUT with this simple post 

you will be able to get a clear picture of 

the problem in just two minutes .
 follow these steps ;-
     1. Imagine you are a salesman and 

your job is to go through a map 

consisting of 20 locations .
      2. your task is to visit each of these 

locations and to sell .
The KEY  POINT is to have minimize 

travelling time .....
you must be thinking how much time 

will it take .....
If  there are 3 locations  namely A , B , 

C  then following situations will arise 

SITUATION 1 ->  Salesman will go to 

"A"  first , followed by "B "amd finally 

SITUATION 2 ->  Salesman will go to 

"B"  first , followed by "C "amd finally 

SITUATION 3 ->  Salesman will go to 

"C"  first , followed by "A "amd finally 

So ,choices left in the ways=>3*2*1 = 6
That means for 20 locations no. of ways 

 to be assessed are 20!= 

20*19*18.....2*1=2432902008176640000 ;
 which is gigantic and practically 

impossible to solve .
But there is a way to solve such 

problems which is GENETIC 

ALGORITHM that will give us an 

approximate solution but not an exact 

It is based on following two aspects -:
1. All locations to be visited .
2. All locations to be visited exactly 

# G.A. solution comprises of MUTATION 

# MUTATION particularly SWAPPED 

MUTATION  used . In S.M. two values in 

d given location set are randomly 

chosen & swapped .EX - 
[ 1 2 3 4 5 ] =>[1 2 5 4 3 ]
Here 3, 5 are chosen and swapped 

among the location set.
It satisfies the above two aspects needed 

for valid solution . There will be no 

duplication and no missing of 


the same foundations as S.M. and follow 

same constraints will be used here.See 

the following example -:
Parent gene - [1 2 3 4 5 (6 7 8 )9]
                   [9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1]
                     NOW =>
                  [ 9 5 4 3 2 6 7 8 1]
(After crossover).
This process is continued till the 

offspring has no empty values .
 If implemented correctly the end result 

should be a route which contains all of 

the positions it's parents did with no 

positions missing or duplicated.



what the f**k is this? never expected from mashables.......

Did you noticed the puzzle by mashables??with the tag depicting Can you solve this super simple logic question that stumping on the internet??
if not then let me tell you the question..
in the figure given below there are six parking spots number,five are visible clearly just one is hidden because of a car,can you tell the hidden number within 20 seconds??
did you find the number??
anyone with a pretty common sense could tell that the answer is 87..
just flip the picture .

i didnt expected such a loose question from mashables...........
this is a f**king shit

Internet Connectivity Issue

There are often times when you are not able to connect your Laptop/Desktop to your wi-fi. You tend to think that your router is not working fine but it is not always the same. Following are the measures that has to be taken if router is working fine but you are not able to go online.You can use the following commands.
  1. ping  the gateway of your router(here gateway means ip address of your router to access the router interface).If you are getting 0% loss then your gateway is connected to your computer.         
  2. To check the internet connectivity either you can ping "" or you can ping any website ex"ping",if you get 100% loss it means internet is not working and in that case you need to check your router .
  3. To check whether the network adapters of your computer is working or not you can use loop back command, The syntax for the command is : "ping" (this is the default address of every network adapter). If you are getting 100% loss then the adapter of your system is not working.

Thursday 18 June 2015

google maps latest update tell whether the place you are heading is closed or open

It happens often you are late from office and then decide to go somewhere to grab a drink,for dinner or for shoppong and on reaching that place you find it closed. Thats really frustrating.But dont worry now google maps latest update brings you solution for that.The new google maps update will tell you time schedule for anystore bar or restaurant.If you searched to locate any place from google maps then it will not only tell you route and estimated time to reach but also flag it up if that place is already closed or will be closed till the time of arrival.

google always trying to find a solution to make life of their users comfortable.