Wednesday 5 August 2015

Microsoft Lacks Here

Well this post is not just to the frustation I am bearing with the developers of Microsoft, Infact it is the bitter truth that most of developers do feel and have practically realised...

Lol to the Developers of Community

One may not be pretty sure even after targetting the biggest downloads of microsoft softwares. No doubt it is leading at many places but at the same time it lacks too. Here are some of my experiences with largest software applications;;;

The Biggest OS release 8.1 a BOON or a NUISANCE

Amazed with the graphics or the new startup thought of 8.1? Well here are some more things you should know about it. The wifi connectivity for windows 8.1 is worst. Often many of us might have experienced it.
When we talk about GAMES , clearly one could easily understand microsoft is to promote its own Xbox games. The worst experience is all the shit about making big updates and also one is still not pretty sure about the working of that big troublesome;

The troubleshoot feature is no more than a big shit.

The only browser By microsot -Internet Explorer

Although Internet Explorer provides a good sort of security but there is a trafficing problem for explorer. And that is the reason why it responds slow to social networking sites like facebook, twitter etc.

In this pace of microsoft vs Google Microsoft stands no where beside google. The stock price for Microsoft is Stock price
MSFT (NASDAQ)US$ 47.58 +0.04 (+0.08%)
5 Aug, 4:01 PM 

Stock priceGOOG (NASDAQ)US$ 643.78 +14.53 (+2.31%)
5 Aug, 4:01 PM

Talking about the Environment or Developing Platforms By microsoft

Microsoft after its biggest release of Visual studio 2015 is stilll full of quite many bugs. Installing Visual studio means crapping up of disk space nothing rally more than that.
That is the reason one is advisable to install other platforms like Eclipse(luna/mars) rather than visual studio.
So this makes the platform a little procedure oriented.

The Revolutionary Upgrade for Windows 10 offering Errors

One has been Upgrading to windows 10 since 29th of July.
There are two option of either reserving your upgrade or downloading it via Media Creation tool. Many of us did by reserving but even after making a big download of about 2.72 GB. There is an installation error offered.

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